Health is a common themes in most fact,all communities have their concepts of health, as part of their culture. Among definition still used, probably the oldest is that health is the “absence of disease”. In some cultures, health and harmony are considered equivalent, harmony being defined as “being at peace with the self, the community, god and cosmos” the ancient Indians and greeks shared this concept and attributed diseased to disturbance in bodily equilibrium of what they called “humors”.
Modern medicine is often accused for its preoccupation with the study of diseased, and neglect of the study of health Consequently,our ignorance about health continues to be profound, as for example, the determinants of -health are not yet clear;the current definitions of health are elusive; and there is no single yardstick for measuring health. There is thus a great scope for the study of the “epidemiology” of health.
Health continues to be a neglected entity despite lip the individual levels,it cannot be said that health occupied an important,e.g., wealth,power,prestige, knowledge, is often taken for granted, and its value is not fully understood until it is the international level, health was “forgotten” when the convenant of the league of nations was drafted after the first world war. Only at the last moment, was world health brought was again “forgotton”when the charter of the united nations was drafted at the end of the second world war. The matters of the health had to be introduced ad hoc at the united nations coference at san Francisco in 1945 (1).
However, during the past few decades, there has been a reawakening that health is a fundamental human right and a world-wide social goal;that it is essential to be satisfaction of basic human needs and to an improved quality of life;and,that it is to be attained by all peoples. In 1977,the 30th world health assembly decided that the main the main social target of governments and WHO in the coming decades should be “the attainment by all citizens of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life”,for brevity called “health for all “ (2). With the adoption of health as an integral part of socio-economic development by the united nation in 1979 (3), health, while being an end in itself,has also become a major instrument of overall socio-economic development and the creatin of a new social order.
Modern medicine is often accused for its preoccupation with the study of diseased, and neglect of the study of health Consequently,our ignorance about health continues to be profound, as for example, the determinants of -health are not yet clear;the current definitions of health are elusive; and there is no single yardstick for measuring health. There is thus a great scope for the study of the “epidemiology” of health.
Health continues to be a neglected entity despite lip the individual levels,it cannot be said that health occupied an important,e.g., wealth,power,prestige, knowledge, is often taken for granted, and its value is not fully understood until it is the international level, health was “forgotten” when the convenant of the league of nations was drafted after the first world war. Only at the last moment, was world health brought was again “forgotton”when the charter of the united nations was drafted at the end of the second world war. The matters of the health had to be introduced ad hoc at the united nations coference at san Francisco in 1945 (1).
However, during the past few decades, there has been a reawakening that health is a fundamental human right and a world-wide social goal;that it is essential to be satisfaction of basic human needs and to an improved quality of life;and,that it is to be attained by all peoples. In 1977,the 30th world health assembly decided that the main the main social target of governments and WHO in the coming decades should be “the attainment by all citizens of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life”,for brevity called “health for all “ (2). With the adoption of health as an integral part of socio-economic development by the united nation in 1979 (3), health, while being an end in itself,has also become a major instrument of overall socio-economic development and the creatin of a new social order.
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